My 5 Favorite Opps

Names have been redacted because uncouth and ad hominem attacks generally suck.

a hollywood trade outlet founder

She sicc’d the LAPD on me February 2023 while i was sitting quarter mile away from Ground Zero and was summarily fired and dared to go in social media and vent. Because she felt I threatened her now-ex co exec editor she decided to paint me a terrorist and have LAPD at it - while I was out of their jurisdiction, I talked to a detective and assured them nobody was doing anything to the media company that the Daily Beast hasn’t - write a hit piece. It’s online to this day.

This media mogul really wanted to teach me a lesson though. She had me write an apology letter. I did. Why not? I like to wire and I was in NY covering NBCUni ad biz when suddenly I had no job to write about it for.

Very Jewish stereotype reinforced move by her, done before Oct. 7.

(sidebar: I’m pro-Israeli people and their IDF but think Bibi Netanyahu must be tried for war crimes. Also, I think Palestine-Israel should be one multi-ethnic state with a new flag and brand. Israel today is a country risk.)

Before the Zionists come for me… I digress.

Maybe I shouldn’t have take the 3-month try out job at her shingle.

I turned down the US Virgin Islands sports editor post for this Hollywood trade debacle stint.

I may be as naive as a garden variety Ukrainian villager, after all.

But I grew up in metro Kiev.

sr editor at a major sports media platform

I hired him to work as editor of the sports section of the school newspaper at a Cal State campus when I was editor in chief. One day I asked him to lunch on our sidekick and used casually fired off “n-word” - with an a - to ask him to lunch. That hurt his feelers so much he told the publisher i offended him.

Never talked to me first.

There was another incident later when I moved to Ohio and a repo co was looking to take my car after a few missed payments.

Somehow this dude ended up giving them my info and they called under false pretenses.

Maybe I was wrong in this but you live and learn.

I wish him well. We actually hung out once in Koreatown when he moved near me so water bridge, right?

An economic hitman, former friend and college classmate

He personally shared with me that he’s managed an Agency sanctioned hedge fund in the 90s that may or may not have helped create the Asian currency crisis.

I put the two and two together and realized later that it probably really emboldened and inspired OBL and his rabid extremist base to conceive and execute 9/11.

My guy saw his friends fall from the towers.

current owner of a storied but washed hip-hop magazine

I wrote an open letter on a blog out of frustration for not being paid as a contributing writer under previous owner. This legal eagle is a genius who helped spring Prince from a record contract. I have never met him.

He’s only met my pen.

editor of a daily newspaper in SoCal

She asked for a restraining order against me over social media posts that she felt were threats. I got arrested and spent a bit of time in custody, talked to detectives and LA County DA didn’t pursue charges because there was nothing but a scared boss who cut my hours and had me laid off so she thought I was disgruntled. I may have been but we went to mediation so I can’t mention her name. She went back to New Mexico to edit a newspaper I once was offered a reporting role at and reneged. And she still hates hip-hop.

I really need to do an album review next huh?

Currently Listening To:

Lew - Rain In Phoenix EP
Tiron & Ayomari - It’s a Trip
Ayra Starr - Commas
Koffee f/ Gunna - W